Volume :8 , Issue :2 ,Page :42-54
Abstract :In this paper, we define Multiplicative first and second K Eccentric indices as, ߨܤ 1 ሻൌܩሺܧ ∏ ൣ ݁ ܩ ሺ ݑ ሻ ݁ ሻܩሺܮ ሺ ݁ ሻ ൧ ݁ݑ and ߨܤ ଶ ሻൌܩሺܧ ∏ ݁ൣ ீ ሺ ݑ ሻ ݁ ሺீሻ ሺ ݁ ሻ ൧ ௨ and we define Multiplicative first and seco nd K Hyper Eccentric indices as, ߨܤܪ ଵ ሻൌܩሺܧ ∏ ݁ൣ ீ ݁ሻݑሺ ሺீሻ ሺ݁ሻ൧ ଶ ௨ and ߨܤܪ ଶ ሻൌܩሺܧ ∏ ݁ൣ ீ ሺ ݑ ሻ ݁ ሺீሻ ሺ݁ሻ൧ ଶ ௨ and we evaluate these indices for some classes of graphs.