Necessary Conditions for One Modulo Three Mean Labeling of Graphs

B. Gayathri, V. Prakash

Volume :6 , Issue :2 ,Page :41-61

Abstract :The concept of mean labeling was introduced by Somasundaram and Ponraj [25]. Different kinds of mean labeling are further studied by Gayathri and Gopi [9-17]. Swaminathan and Sekar [27] introduced the concept of one modulo three graceful labeling. As an analogue Jayanthi and Maheswari [21] introduced one modulo three mean la beling and proved that some standard graphs are one modulo three mean graphs. Motivated by the work of these authors, in this paper, we obtained some necessary conditions and properties fo r one modulo three mean labeling. Also, we prove the converse part of theorems obtained in [21], wher e only partial results are obtained.

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