Even Distance Closed Domination in Graph

T. N. Janakiraman, P.J.A. Alphonse and V.Sangeetha

Volume :1 , Issue :4 ,Page :183-190

Abstract :In a graph G=(V,E), a set S  V(G) is a distance closed se t of G if for each vertex u  S and for each w  V-S, there exists at least one vertex v  S such that d (u, v) = d G (u, w). Also, a vertex subset D of V(G) is a dominating set of G if every vert ex in V-D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. Combining the above concepts, a distance closed domi nating set of a graph G is defined as follows: A subset S  V(G) is said to be a distance closed dominatin g (D.C.D) set, if is distance closed and S is a dominating set. In this paper, we define a new concept of domination called even distance closed domination (E.D.C.D) and we find various bounds for these paramete rs and characterized the graphs, which attain these bounds.

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