Volume :8 , Issue :3 ,Page :133-142
Abstract :A subset D of the vertex set V(G) of a graph G is said to be a dominating set if every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least on e vertex in D. A dominating set D is a connected dominating set, if < D > is a connected sub graph of G. For a Connected Graph G, a connected dominating set D is said to be a connected eccentric do minating set if for every v V D, there exists at least one eccentric point of v in D. The minimum of the cardinalities of the conne cted eccentric dominating sets of G is called the connected eccentric domination number ced (G) of G. In this paper, ch aracterization of trees with ced (T) = c (T)+2, ced (T) = c (T)+1 are studied and bounds for ced (T), its exact value for some particular classes of trees are found. Also, we an alyze the bounds of conn ected eccentric domination number of a tree in terms of (T), where the radius r(T) 2.